module Lang.setup where
We’ve done most of the heavy-lifting, and packaged everything into a docker container. This is a platform-independent solution and can be run inside any major operating system. But first we would need to:
curl -fsSL -o
OR download and install docker binaries for your operating system here.
docker pull ixaxaar/agda:latest
To run the agda compiler with docker:
docker run -it -v /local/source/directory:/directory/inside/container ixaxaar/agda bash
agda /directory/inside/container/whatever.agda
Stack is one of haskell’s package managers, apart from Cabal. Stack uses cabal internally and is easier to practically deal with. In order to do a stack-based install:
curl -sSL | sh
into it. Proceed to use stack to install agda:stack --resolver=lts-13.25 install Agda- EdisonCore- data-hash- equivalence-0.3.4 geniplate-mirror-0.7.6 EdisonAPI-1.3.1 STMonadTrans-0.4.3
Note: none of these are guaranteed to work. This way of installation might just work, or might require one to pull significant amounts of one’s own hair.
sudo apt-get install agda-mode agda-stdlib
sudo yum install Agda
sudo pacman -S agda agda-stdlib
brew install agda
Other ways to install Agda are documented in the official documentation.
That’s pretty much it. Now we go ahead and learn some basics of the language.