In Lean, types are first-class citizens, meaning they can be manipulated and passed around just like any other value. This is similar to languages like Haskell or Scala, but with even more expressive as we shall see later.
In Lean, we declare types using the following syntax:
def x : Nat := 0
def b : Bool := true
This is similar to type annotations in languages like TypeScript or Kotlin. The def
keyword is used to
define a new variable, x
, with type Nat
and value 0
. Similarly, b
defined as a Bool
with value true
The empty type, also known as the bottom type, is a type with no values. In some languages, this is called
(TypeScript) or Nothing
(Scala). This is a pre-defined type called Empty
Lean which is defined something as:
inductive Empty : Type
The inductive
keyword is used to define new types in Lean. The Empty
type has no
constructors, so it has no values. This type is used to represent logical impossibility or undefined behavior.
The unit type is a type with exactly one value. This is similar to void
in C++ or ()
inductive Unit : Type
| unit
Lean has a pre-defined unit type Unit
which is defined like above.
Booleans are a fundamental type in most programming languages. In Lean, they’re defined as:
inductive Bool : Type
| false
| true
This type can be used to define a function such as negation, which takes in a Bool
and returns a
def negation (b : Bool) : Bool :=
match b with -- an example of a switch-case in Lean
| true => false -- if b is true, we return false
| false => true -- if b is false, we return true
This is how functions are defined in Lean, though we will see more about functions in the next sections.
is similar to boolean types in virtually all programming languages, but in Lean, we can prove
properties about boolean operations using the type system. Let us see a proof of
negation (negation x) == x
Pattern matching is a central feature of Lean, and it is used to define functions that operate on different cases.
The match
keyword is used to match a value against different cases, and the with
keyword is
used to specify the cases. In the above example, we match the value b
against the cases true
and false
and return the corresponding values false
and true
theorem negationNegation (b : Bool) : negation (negation b) = b :=
match b with
| true => rfl
| false => rfl
#check negationNegation
We will look at how to do stuff like this in later sections.
Natural numbers are defined inductively in Lean:
inductive Nat : Type
| zero : Nat -- define a zero object as the base
| succ : Nat → Nat -- every such object has a succeeding object
Here, we define natural numbers by defining the element zero
and the function succ
adds 1 to any given integer (creates the successive natural number) i.e. succ zero
is 1,
succ (succ zero)
is two and so on. This is similar to Peano arithmetic and is foundational in type theory.
In practice, Nat
is a pre-defined type and Lean optimizes this to use machine integers for efficiency.
def one := succ zero
Arithmetic operations can now be defined on Nat
like addition and multiplicattion:
def add : Nat → Nat → Nat
| zero, n => n
| m+one, n => (add m n) + one
def mul : Nat → Nat → Nat
| zero, _ => zero -- _ implies we dont care what the argument is
| m+one, n => n + (mul m n)
Type | Description | Example Usage | Notes |
Empty |
The empty type with no values | def f : Empty → α |
Used for logical impossibility |
Unit |
The unit type with one value unit |
def x : Unit := () |
Often used as dummy value |
Bool |
Booleans with values true and false |
def b : Bool := true |
Used for conditional logic |
Nat |
Natural numbers with zero and successor operations | def n : Nat := 42 |
Non-negative integers (0, 1, 2, …) |
Int |
Integers with addition, subtraction, etc. | def i : Int := -42 |
Whole numbers (positive and negative) |
Float |
Floating-point numbers | def f : Float := 3.14 |
IEEE 754 double-precision |
String |
Strings | def s : String := "hello" |
UTF-8 encoded text |
Char |
Single Unicode characters | def c : Char := 'a' |
Unicode code points |
USize |
Platform-dependent unsigned integer | def u : USize := 42 |
Used for array indexing |
Lean has built-in lists, similar to many functional programming languages:
inductive List (α : Type) : Type
| nil : List α -- Empty list
| cons : α → List α → List α -- Add element to front of list
This can be used to define, say, a list of booleans:
def exampleList : List Bool := [true, false, true]
Operations can be defined on lists, such as finding the length:
def length : List α → Nat
| [] => 0
| _::xs => 1 + length xs
#eval length exampleList -- Output: 3
Lists are immutable, so operations like adding elements create new lists:
def exampleList2 := false :: exampleList
#eval length exampleList2 -- Output: 4
Dynamic arrays are also available in Lean, which are similar to lists but have better performance for some operations:
def exampleArray : Array Nat := #[1, 2, 3]
Here, #[1,2,3]
is a shorthand for [1,2,3]
. We can access elements of the array
using the get!
#eval exampleArray.get! 1 -- Output: 2
We can also use the push
function to add elements to the array:
def exampleArray2 := exampleArray.push 4
#eval exampleArray2.get! 3 -- Output: 4
Unordered sets can be implemented using the HashSet data structure. HashSets are data structures that store unique elements and provide fast lookup times. They are similar to sets in Python or Java.
import Std.Data.HashSet
open Std
-- create a set with elements 1, 2, 3
def exampleSet : HashSet Nat := HashSet.ofList [1, 2, 3]
#eval exampleSet.contains 2 -- true
#eval exampleSet.contains 4 -- false
Sets can be modified using functions like insert
and erase
def exampleSet2 := exampleSet.insert 4
#eval exampleSet2.contains 4 -- true
Finally, we can delete elements from the set using the erase
def exampleSet3 := exampleSet2.erase 4
#eval exampleSet3.contains 4 -- false
Stacks are a common data structure that follows the Last In First Out (LIFO) principle. We can implement a stack using a list:
structure Stack (α : Type) where
elems : List α
deriving Repr
Here we use the structure
keyword to define a new data structure Stack
with a single field
of type List α
. In lean, the structure
keyword is used to define new data
structures, similar to data
in Haskell or struct
in C++. The structure also derives a
instance, which allows us to print the stack using #eval
We can define operations like push
and pop
on the stack:
def push {α : Type} (s : Stack α) (x : α) : Stack α :=
{ s with elems := x :: s.elems } -- append x to the end of the list
-- in pop we return the top element and the rest of the stack
def pop {α : Type} (s : Stack α) : Option (α × Stack α) :=
match s.elems with
| [] => none
| x :: xs => some (x, { elems := xs })
Here, push
adds an element to the top of the stack, while pop
removes and returns the top
def s : Stack Float := { elems := [1.0, 2.2, 0.3] }
def s' := push s 4.2
#eval pop s' -- Output: some (4.200000, { elems := [1.000000, 2.200000, 0.300000] })
Queues are another common data structure that follows the First In First Out (FIFO) principle. We can implement a queue using a list:
structure Q (α : Type) where
elems : List α
deriving Repr
#eval x.elems -- Output: [1, 2, 3]
Enqueue and dequeue operations can be performed on the queue:
def enqueue {α : Type} (q : Q α) (x : α) : Q α :=
{ q with elems := q.elems ++ [x] } -- append x to the end of the list
def dequeue {α : Type} (q : Q α) : Option (α × Q α) :=
match q.elems with
| [] => none
| x :: xs => some (x, { elems := xs })
Finally, queues can be used as such:
def q : Q Float := { elems := [1.0, 2.2, 0.3] }
def q' := enqueue q 4.2
#eval dequeue q' -- Output: some (1.000000, { elems := [2.200000, 0.300000, 4.200000] })
Maps are key-value pairs that allow efficient lookup of values based on keys. These are similar to dictionaries in Python or hash maps in Java. We can implement a map using a list of key-value pairs:
structure Map (α β : Type) where
pairs : List (α × β)
deriving Repr
We now need to define how to access elements in the map:
def find {α β : Type} [DecidableEq α] (m : Map α β) (key : α) : Option β :=
match m.pairs.find? (fun (k, _) => k == key) with
| some (_, v) => some v
| none => none
Here, find
searches for a key in the map and returns the corresponding value if found. We can define
find as an infix operator for easier use:
infix:50 " ?? " => find
Here we define the ??
operator to find a value in the map. These are called as infix operators, and the
number 50
is the precedence of the operator. This allows us to use the ??
operator to find
values in the map:
def exampleMap1 : Map Nat String := [(1, "one"), (2, "two"), (3, "three")]
#eval exampleMap ?? 2 -- Output: some "two"
Representing maps as lists of key-value pairs is not the most efficient way to implement them, but it serves as a simple example. Lean also provides more efficient implementations of maps in the standard library.
We can use more optimized implementations by importing the Std.Data.HashMap
import Std.Data.HashMap
def exampleMap : Std.HashMap Nat String :=
Std.HashMap.ofList [(1, "one"), (2, "two"), (3, "three")]
#eval exampleMap.contains 2 -- true
#eval exampleMap.get! 2 -- "two"
Binary trees are a common data structure in many languages. The data structure consists of nodes, each of which has a value and two children (left and right). Each node can be a leaf (no children) or an internal node (with children). We can define a binary tree in Lean as follows:
inductive BinTree (α : Type) : Type
| leaf : BinTree α -- leaf node, with value of type α
| node : α → BinTree α → BinTree α → BinTree α -- value, left child, right child
We can create a binary tree using the leaf
and node
def exampleTree : BinTree Nat :=
BinTree.node 1
(BinTree.node 2 BinTree.leaf BinTree.leaf)
(BinTree.node 3 BinTree.leaf BinTree.leaf)
This creates a binary tree with the following structure:
/ \
2 3
We can define operations on binary trees, such as finding the depth of the tree:
def depth : BinTree α → Nat
| BinTree.leaf => 0
| BinTree.node _ left right => 1 + max (depth left) (depth right)
#eval depth exampleTree -- Output: 2
We will take a closer look on tree based algorithms in the next sections.
We can represent graphs in Lean using vertices and edges:
structure Vertex where
id : Nat
structure Edge where
from : Vertex
to : Vertex
structure Graph where
vertices : List Vertex
edges : List Edge
Here, we define a Vertex
as a structure with an id
field, an Edge
as a
structure with from
and to
fields, and a Graph
as a structure with lists of
vertices and edges. We can create vertices and edges and define a graph as follows:
def v1 := 1
def v2 := 2
def e := v1 v2
def g : Graph := { vertices := [v1, v2], edges := [e] }
Operations on graphs can be defined, such as finding the neighbors of a vertex:
def neighbors (v : Vertex) (g : Graph) : List Vertex :=
g.edges.filterMap fun e =>
if e.from == v then some
else none
We will look at how to implement more advanced graph algorithms in the next sections.
Lean uses the inductive
keyword to define new data types. This is similar to data
Haskell or sealed class
in Kotlin.
Product types combine multiple values into a single type. They’re similar to structs in C or dataclasses in Python.
structure Point where
x : Float
y : Float
This defines a new type Point
with two fields x
and y
. We can create objects
of this type using the constructor:
def myPoint : Point := { x := 1.0, y := 2.0 }
We can access the fields of the object using dot notation:
#eval myPoint.x -- Output: 1.0
Sum types (also known as tagged unions or algebraic data types) allow a value to be one of several types. They’re similar to enums in Rust or union types in TypeScript.
inductive Shape
-- constructor that takes in 3 floats and outputs an object of type Shape (a triangle)
| triangle : Float → Float → Float → Shape
-- constructor that takes in 4 floats and outputs an object of type Shape (a rectangle)
| rectangle : Float → Float → Float → Float → Shape
These constructors can be used to create objects of type Shape
def myTriangle := Shape.triangle 1.2 12.1 123.1
def myRectangle := Shape.rectangle 1.2 12.1 123.1 1234.5
The Shape
type can now be used in functions to calculate the area of a shape using pattern matching:
def area : Shape → Float
| Shape.triangle _ _ r => Float.pi * r * r
| Shape.rectangle _ _ w h => w * h
Lean allows the definition of type classes, which are similar to interfaces in TypeScript or traits in Rust. They define a set of functions that a type must implement.
Lets take a very basic example, say we want all kinds of a certain type to have a zero value. We can define a type
class HasZero
that requires a zero value to be defined for any type that implements it:
-- Define a basic type class for types that have a "zero" value
class HasZero (α : Type) where
zero : α -- Every instance must provide a zero value
We can then implement this type class for different types:
-- Implement HasZero for some types
instance : HasZero Nat where
zero := 0
instance : HasZero Bool where
zero := false
instance : HasZero String where
zero := ""
We can then use the zero
function to get the zero value for any type that implements the
type class:
-- Example usage
def getZero {α : Type} [HasZero α] : α :=
#eval getZero (α := Nat) -- Output: 0
#eval getZero (α := Bool) -- Output: false
#eval getZero (α := String) -- Output: ""
A few more things to note here:
The curly braces {}
are used to define type parameters. These are inferred by the compiler if not
provided explicitly, for example, getZero
can be defined as
def getZero [HasZero α] : α :=
and the compiler will infer the type α
from the
The square brackets []
are used to define type class constraints. In this case, we require that the
type α
implements the HasZero
type class. If the type does not implement the type class, the
compiler will throw an error.
is called a polymorphic function, as it can work with any type that implements the
type class. Parametric polymorphism is a powerful feature of Lean that allows us to write generic
functions that work with any type that satisfies certain constraints.
Here’s another example of a Plus
type class that defines a plus
function which defines
addition for all types that implement it:
class Plus (α : Type) where
plus : α → α → α
This can be implemented for different types like Nat
and Float
instance : Plus Nat where
plus := Nat.add
instance : Plus Float where
plus := Float.add
instance : Plus String where
plus := String.append
Finally, we can use the plus
function on different types:
open Plus(plus)
#eval plus 4 5 -- 9
#eval plus 4.3 5.2 -- 9.500000
Dependent types are one of Lean’s most powerful features. They allow types to depend on values:
-- Vector: a list with a statically known length
inductive Vector (α : Type) : Nat → Type
| nil : Vector α 0
| cons : α → {n : Nat} → Vector α n → Vector α (n+1)
Here, Vector α n
is a vector of length n
containing elements of type α
. The
constructor creates an empty vector, while the cons
constructor adds an element to the
front of a vector. The length of the vector is encoded in the type itself, so the type system ensures that operations
like head
(which returns the first element of a non-empty vector) are safe:
def vec1 : Vector Bool 1 := Vector.cons true Vector.nil
def vec2 : Vector Bool 2 := Vector.cons false vec1
-- Type-safe head function
def head {α : Type} {n : Nat} : Vector α (n+1) → α
| Vector.cons x _ => x
#eval head vec2 -- Output: false
-- This would be a compile-time error: #eval head Vector.nil
This is similar to dependent types in languages like Idris or Agda, but is not found in most mainstream programming languages. Dependent types allow us to encode complex invariants in the type system, leading to safer and more expressive code, and moving some runtime errors to compile-time errors.
In Lean, propositions are types, and proofs are values of these types. This is known as the Curry-Howard correspondence:
-- Conjunction (AND)
def and_comm {p q : Prop} : p ∧ q → q ∧ p :=
fun h => And.intro h.right h.left
-- Disjunction (OR)
def or_comm {p q : Prop} : p ∨ q → q ∨ p
| Or.inl hp => Or.inr hp
| Or.inr hq => Or.inl hq
This allows Lean to be used not just as a programming language, but as a powerful theorem prover. We will cover more about theorem proving in a subsequent chapter.