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Laws of Boolean Algebra

We describe here some fundamental laws of boolean algebra, called “monotone laws”. We then tackle some laws specific to Boolean algebra.

module Logic.laws where

open import Lang.dataStructures using (Bool; true; false)
open import Types.product using (_×_; _,_)
open import Logic.logicBasics using (¬; not; xor;;; singleton)
open import Logic.equality using (Equiv; __; Rel; Equivalence)

Monotone Laws

Monotone laws are ones in which the inputs and outputs change monotonically, or the output either remains unchanged on changing inputs or changes in the same way as the input.


We first need to define operations in an abstract way before we proceed with laws on these operations. We used types to define families (types) of operations:

A unary operation can be defined as:

: Set  Set
∘ A = A  A

A binary operation ★ A can be defined as:

_ : Set  Set
★ A = A  A  A

Here *_ constructs a type family of operations that operate on given type A.

For proving these laws we need an instance of the equivalence relation ==.

module BooleanLaws {A : Set} (eq : Equivalence A) where
  module Eq₁ = Equivalence eq
  open Eq₁


For an operation ,


\[ x ★ (y ★ z) ≡ (x ★ y) ★ z \]

  associativity : ★ A  Set
  associativity __ = (x y z : A)
           (x ★ (y ★ z))
          == ((x ★ y) ★ z)


\[ x ★ y ≡ y ★ x \]

  commutativity : ★ A  Set
  commutativity __ = (x y : A)
           (x ★ y)
          == (y ★ x)


\[ ( x ★ y ) ★ z ≡ x ★ y × y ★ z \]

  _distributesOverˡ_ : ★ A  ★ A  Set _
  _*_ distributesOverˡ _+_ =
     x y z  (x * (y + z)) == ((x * y) + (x * z))

  _distributesOverʳ_ : ★ A  ★ A  Set _
  _*_ distributesOverʳ _+_ =
     x y z  ((y + z) * x) == ((y * x) + (z * x))

  _distributesOver_ : ★ A  ★ A  Set _
  * distributesOver + = (* distributesOverˡ +) × (* distributesOverʳ +)


\[ x ★ id_{★} ≡ x \]

These form the major laws of boolean algebra. There exists a bunch of others that we’ll also see here. Note that for non-commutative systems of algebra, identity can exist in two forms: right and left, similarly for directional operations like distributivity, inverses, etc.

  identityₗ : A  ★ A  Set
  identityₗ x __ =  (y : A)
           (x ★ y)
          == x

  identityᵣ : A  ★ A  Set
  identityᵣ x __ = (y : A)
           (y ★ x)
          == x

  identity : A  ★ A  Set
  identity x ★ = (identityₗ x ★) × (identityᵣ x ★)


\[ x ★ id ≡ x \]

  leftZero : A  ★ A  Set _
  leftZero z __ =  x  (z ★ x) == z

  rightZero : A  ★ A  Set _
  rightZero z __ =  x  (x ★ z) == z

  zero : A  ★ A  Set _
  zero z ★ = leftZero z ★ × rightZero z ★


Idempotence is a more specific law of boolean algebra:

\[ x ∧ x ≡ x \]

  _idempotentOn_ : ★ A  A  Set _
  __ idempotentOn x = (x ★ x) == x

  idempotent : ★ A  Set _
  idempotent ★ =  x  ★ idempotentOn x


Another pair of reductive laws that apply only in boolean algebra:

\[ x ∧ (x ∨ y) ≡ x x ∨ (x ∧ y) ≡ x \]

  _absorbs_ : ★ A  ★ A  Set _
  __ absorbs __ =  x y  (x ∙ (x ◌ y)) == x

  absorptive : ★ A  ★ A  Set _
  absorptive ∙ ◌ = (∙ absorbs ◌) × (◌ absorbs ∙)

∧ and ∨

The logical AND and OR operators satisfy the above laws:

  open import Logic.logicBasics
  open import Types.operations _==_

∨-assoc : associativity ∨-assoc true y z = refl ∨-assoc false y z = refl

∨-comm : Commutative ∨-comm true true = refl ∨-comm true false = refl ∨-comm false true = refl ∨-comm false false = refl

∨-identityˡ : LeftIdentity false ∨-identityˡ _ = refl

∨-identityʳ : RightIdentity false ∨-identityʳ false = refl ∨-identityʳ true = refl

∨-identity : Identity false ∨-identity = ∨-identityˡ , ∨-identityʳ

∨-zeroˡ : LeftZero true ∨-zeroˡ _ = refl

∨-zeroʳ : RightZero true ∨-zeroʳ false = refl ∨-zeroʳ true = refl

∨-zero : Zero true ∨-zero = ∨-zeroˡ , ∨-zeroʳ

∨-inverseˡ : LeftInverse true not ∨-inverseˡ false = refl ∨-inverseˡ true = refl

∨-inverseʳ : RightInverse true not ∨-inverseʳ x = ∨-comm x (not x) ⟨ trans ⟩ ∨-inverseˡ x

∨-inverse : Inverse true not ∨-inverse = ∨-inverseˡ , ∨-inverseʳ
