import data.bool
import data.Nat.basic
import data.list.basic
import logic.relation
Equality is a fundamental concept in mathematics and logic, yet it can be more subtle than it first appears. In type theory, particularly in proof assistants like Lean, equality comes in different forms, each with its own nuances and uses. In type theory, equality can be broadly classified into three kinds:
Definitional equality is the most straightforward form of equality. It refers to expressions that are equal by virtue of their definitions or because they are syntactically identical after unfolding definitions. In Lean, two terms are definitionally equal if they reduce to the same expression via computation steps like beta reduction (function application) or delta reduction (unfolding definitions). In easier terms, if two terms are equal by definition, they are definitionally equal. For example:
def defEqual₁ : Nat :=
def defEqual₂ : Nat :=
Nat.succ (Nat.succ 5)
Here, defEqual₁
and defEqual₂
both are equal, with equality of the kind “definitional
#eval defEqual₁ -- Output: 7
#eval defEqual₂ -- Output: 7
Now we need to prove that defEqual₁
and defEqual₂
are definitionally equal, and for that we
need to introduce the example
keyword and basic theorem proving tactics in Lean.
KeywordTheorem proving is at the center of Lean’s functionality. The example
keyword is used to define an
unnamed theorem, while the keyword theorem
is used to define a named theorem. The example
keyword is often used to demonstrate theorems or properties without giving them a name. example
s also
cannot be reused in later proofs, so they are more like throwaway theorems.
Theorem proving involves tactics, which are commands that manipulate the proof state. Tactics can be used to prove
theorems, simplify expressions, and interact with the proof state. The example
keyword is often used in
conjunction with tactics to demonstrate theorems or properties. Reflexivity, or the rfl
tactic, is a common
tactic used to prove equality.
As a simple example, one way to define definitional equality is by using the rfl
tactic, which stands
for “reflexivity”:
def seven : Nat := 7
def also_seven : Nat := 3 + 4
-- These are definitionally equal
example : seven = also_seven := rfl
Similarly, our defEqual₁
and defEqual₂
can be proven to be definitionally equal using the
example : defEqual₁ = defEqual₂ := rfl
Theorem proving can also be used to see whether definitional equality saitisfies the properties of an equivalence relation:
Definitional equality as a relation satisfies reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity, i.e.:
, a = a
example (a : Nat) : a = a := rfl
a = b
, then b = a
example (a b : Nat) (h : a = b) : b = a := Eq.symm h
a = b
and b = c
, then a = c
example (a b c : Nat) (h₁ : a = b) (h₂ : b = c) : a = c := Eq.trans h₁ h₂
Definitional equality is important in type theory because:
Notice that we have also used the Eq
module to access the symm
and trans
theorems, which are used to prove symmetry and transitivity of equality, respectively. These are fundamental theorems in
Lean’s type theory and we are simply using them, instead of proving anything new.
Computational equality arises when expressions are not identical as written but can be reduced to the same value through computation. This includes evaluating functions, simplifying expressions, and performing arithmetic operations. An example of such an equality is applying a function:
example : (λ x, x + x) 2 = 2 + 2 :=
Here λ x, x + x
is a lambda function that doubles its argument, and (λ x, x + x) 2
this function to 2
, which evaluates to 2 + 2
. The rfl
tactic is used to prove
that the two expressions are equal by computation.
Expansions of recursors also fall under this kind of equality:
example : 2 + 2 = Nat.succ (Nat.succ 0) + Nat.succ (Nat.succ 0) :=
example : Nat.succ (Nat.succ 0) + Nat.succ (Nat.succ 0) = Nat.succ (Nat.succ (Nat.succ (Nat.succ 0))) :=
Even though 2 + 2
and Nat.succ (Nat.succ (Nat.succ (Nat.succ 0)))
look different, they both
reduce to the number 4 through computation, so they are computationally equal. Computational equality satisfies the same
properties as definitional equality: reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity.
Reflexivity: For any term a
, a = a
example (a : Nat) : a = a := rfl
Symmetry: If a = b
, then b = a
example (a b : Nat) (h : a = b) : b = a := Eq.symm h
Transitivity: If a = b
and b = c
, then a = c
example (a b c : Nat) (h₁ : a = b) (h₂ : b = c) : a = c := Eq.trans h₁ h₂
Computational equality is based on the idea that expressions can be reduced through computation to establish
equality. Practically, computational equalities can often be handled automatically using tactics like rfl
which checks for definitional equality and is thus deeply integrated into Lean’s type-checking system.
Propositional equality is a more general form of equality that requires explicit proofs. It represents the notion
that two expressions are equal because there exists a proof that demonstrates their equality, even if they are not
definitionally or computationally equal. Propositional equality is represented in Lean using the =
which is defined as an inductive type:
inductive eq {α : Sort u} (a : α) : α → Prop
| refl : eq a
The eq
type is a binary relation that takes two arguments of the same type and returns a proposition.
The refl
constructor of eq
represents reflexivity, which states that every element is equal to
itself. Propositional equality is used to prove theorems and properties that are not immediately obvious from
definitions or computations.
Propositional equality satisfies some properties of relations:
Reflexivity: For any element a
, a = a
. This is captured by the
example (a : Nat) : a = a := eq.refl a
Symmetry: If a = b
, then b = a
. This can be proved using the
example (a b : Nat) (h : a = b) : b = a := eq.symm h
Transitivity: If a = b
and b = c
, then a = c
. This is
proved using the eq.trans
example (a b c : Nat) (h₁ : a = b) (h₂ : b = c) : a = c := eq.trans h₁ h₂
Substitution: If a = b
, then for any function f
f a = f b
. This is captured by the congrArg
example (a b : Nat) (f : Nat → Nat) (h : a = b) : f a = f b := congrArg f h
Heterogeneous equality, also known as John Major equality, extends propositional equality to cases where the two
terms being compared belong to different types. In Lean, heterogeneous equality is represented by the HEq
type, which is defined as:
structure HEq {α : Sort u} (a : α) {β : Sort v} (b : β) : Prop
This becomes essential when working with dependent types, where types themselves can depend on values. Consider vectors:
def Vec (A : Type) (n : Nat) : Type -- Vector type of length n
Here the type Vec A n
represents a vector of length n
with elements of type A
If you have two vectors v : Vec A n
and w : Vec A m
, where n
and m
are natural numbers, you can’t directly compare them using propositional equality because they belong to different
types. This is where heterogeneous equality comes in:
def vecEq {A : Type} {n m : Nat} (v : Vec A n) (w : Vec A m) : HEq n m → HEq (Vec A n) (Vec A m) → v = w
Here we defined a way to compare vectors of different lengths using heterogeneous equality. The vecEq
function takes two vectors v
and w
, along with proofs that the lengths n
are equal and that the vector types Vec A n
and Vec A m
are equal. This allows
us to compare vectors of different lengths using heterogeneous equality.
An equivalence relation is a relation that is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive. Propositional equality is an example of an equivalence relation. Equivalences are used to classify structures into equivalence classes, which are sets of structures that are related by the equivalence relation. Lets look at the formal definition of an equivalence relation:
An equivalence relation on a type A
is a relation R : A → A → Prop
that satisfies the
following properties:
∀ a : A, R a a
∀ a b : A, R a b → R b a
∀ a b c : A, R a b → R b c → R a c
The property of an equivalence relation can be expressed as follows:
def reflexive {A : Type} (R : A → A → Prop) : Prop := ∀ x : A, R x x
def symmetric {A : Type} (R : A → A → Prop) : Prop := ∀ x y : A, R x y → R y x
def transitive {A : Type} (R : A → A → Prop) : Prop := ∀ x y z : A, R x y → R y z → R x z
def equivalence_relation {A : Type} (R : A → A → Prop) : Prop :=
reflexive R ∧ symmetric R ∧ transitive R
This defines a function equivalence_relation
that takes a relation R
on type A
and returns a proposition stating that R
is an equivalence relation on A
. Let us now look at
using this to prove that =
is an equivalence relation on Nat
.Now we can use this machinery to
write a proof for any given relation R
that it is an equivalence relation. The most striaghtforward example
is proving that =
is an equivalence relation on Nat
To prove that =
is an equivalence relation on Nat
, the strategy would be to prove that it
satisfies the three properties of an equivalence relation: reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity. For each of these
properties, we can use Lean’s built-in theorems and tactics to construct the proof to keep things light for now. Here is
how you can prove that =
is an equivalence relation on Nat
theorem eq_is_equivalence : equivalence_relation (@Eq Nat) := by
-- since equivalence relation is an AND of three properties, we need to prove each separately
-- so we use And.intro to successively split the goal into three subgoals
apply And.intro -- Split into first part and (second ∧ third) parts
· intro x -- "Let x be any natural number"
rfl -- "Obviously x = x"
-- first time we split (reflexivity ^ (symmetry ∧ transitivity)) into reflexivity and (symmetry ∧ transitivity)
-- now we split (symmetry ∧ transitivity) into symmetry and transitivity
apply And.intro -- Split remaining into second and third parts
· intro x y h -- "Let x,y be numbers and h be proof that x = y"
symm -- "Flip the equality"
exact h -- "Use h to prove that they're still equal"
-- we are left only with transitivity now, no need to split
· intro x y z h₁ h₂ -- "Let x,y,z be numbers with h₁: x=y and h₂: y=z"
exact Eq.trans h₁ h₂ -- "Chain the equalities together"
Here is the code’s explanation:
In order to prove that =
or Eq
is an equivalence relation on Nat
, we first use
the theorem
keyword to define a named theorem eq_is_equivalence
. We then use the
keyword to start a proof block. Now, since an equivalence relation is defined as an AND ∧
of these three properties, we use apply And.intro
to break our goal into proving each property separately.
This is called destructuring the goal, and it’s a common technique in Lean proofs.
intro x
and then use rfl
tactic to
prove that x = x
here is the proof that
x = y
, and symm
flips it to y = x
theorem to chain these two equalities together and prove that x = z
.This is a common pattern in Lean proofs: you state the goal, break it down into smaller subgoals, and then prove each subgoal step by step.
Here are the new syntax elements used in this proof:
: Used when your goal matches the conclusion of another theorem/lemma
apply And.intro -- When your goal is to prove A ∧ B
: Brings hypotheses into your context
intro x -- Introduces one variable
intro x y h -- Introduces multiple things
: “This exactly proves the goal”
exact h -- When h is exactly what you need to prove
exact Eq.trans h₁ h₂ -- When combining h₁ and h₂ exactly proves your goal
as saying “this is precisely what we need”·
(bullet point): Separates different subgoals
apply And.intro
· first subgoal
· second subgoal
Intuitively, if any two elements are equal, then any property that holds for one element should also hold for the
other. Transport is a fundamental principle in type theory that allows us to “transport” properties or structures along
an equality path. Imagine you have a property P
that holds for a term x
. If you can prove that
is equal to another term y
, transport allows you to “transport” the proof of
P x
to a proof of P y
. This is formalized as:
def transport {A : Type} {x y : A} (P : A → Type) (p : x = y) : P x → P y
Practically, transport is used to rewrite terms based on equalities. For example, consider the following proof that the sum of two numbers is commutative:
theorem add_comm (a b : Nat) : a + b = b + a :=
induction a with a ha,
{ simp },
{ simp [ha] },
Here, simp
is a tactic that simplifies the goal using various rules, including the commutativity of
addition. The simp
tactic uses transport to rewrite the goal based on the equality
a + b = b + a
. Transport is also intrinsically linked to path induction, a fundamental
principle in homotopy type theory. Path induction states that to prove a property holds for any path (equality proof)
between two terms, it suffices to prove it for the reflexivity path (the proof that a term is equal to itself). This is
because any path can be continuously deformed into the reflexivity path. This is expressed as:
def J {A : Type} {x : A} (P : ∀ (y : A), x = y → Type)
(refl_case : P x (Eq.refl x))
{y : A} (p : x = y) : P y p
The J
rule effectively says: “If you can prove P
for the reflexive case where
is x
and the proof p
is Eq.refl x
, then you can prove
for any y
and any proof p
of x = y
.” This is a
powerful induction principle for reasoning about equality.