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Set theory has had to deal with paradoxes, such as Russell’s Paradox, which shows that the set of all sets that do not contain themselves cannot exist. Set theorists have developed ways to avoid these paradoxes, such as the Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms or ZFC, which avoid the paradoxes by restricting the kinds of sets that can be formed to in a well-defined way.

Just like Set theory, Type theory also has had to deal with paradoxes. In Type theory, we have a similar problem to Russell’s Paradox: the type of all types cannot exist, as it would lead to a contradiction. To avoid this, the concept of universes was introduced. Universes are a way to organize types into a hierarchy, where each universe contains the types of the universe below it. This way, we can avoid paradoxes by not allowing types to contain themselves. In Lean, the type of all types is called Type, and it is a universe itself. However, to avoid paradoxes, Lean uses a hierarchy of universes, where each universe contains the types of the universe below it.

In Type Theory, a universe is a type that contains other types. Formally, a universe is a type U such that for any type A, A : U means that A is a type. The universe is used to organize the types in a hierarchy, where each universe contains the types of the universe below it.

The Type Type

The structure of the universe used in type theory are Russell-style and Tarski-style universes. In Russell-style universes, the universe is a type, and in Tarski-style universes, the universe is a type family. In Lean, the universe is a type family, and it is called Type. The Type family is a type family that contains all the types in the hierarchy of universes. Theorem provers have chosen either Russell-style or Tarski-style universes, some examples for Russell-style are Coq and Agda, and for Tarski-style are Lean and Idris, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

This heirarchy of universes is denoted as:

Type 0  -- Also written as Type, the universe of "small" types
Type 1  -- The universe containing Type 0
Type 2  -- The universe containing Type 1
-- and so on...

Basic types like Nat, Bool, String, etc. are in Type 0:

#check Nat -- : Type
#check Bool -- : Type
#check String -- : Type

The type Type itslef is in Type 1:

#check Type -- : Type 1

Each level of the universe hierarchy contains the types of the universe below it. This way, we can avoid paradoxes by not allowing types to contain themselves.

#check Type 0 -- : Type 1
#check Type 1 -- : Type 2
#check Type 2 -- : Type 3
#check Type 3 -- : Type 4

Function types occupy the same universe level that can contain both their argument types and their return types. For example, the type of a function that takes a Nat and returns a Nat is in Type 0:

#check Nat → Nat -- : Type

The type of a function that takes a Nat and returns a Bool is in Type 0:

#check Nat → Bool -- : Type

The type of a function that takes a Nat and returns a Type Type 1:

#check Nat → Type -- : Type 1

Lifting Types

Elements of a higher universe level can be created from elements of a lower universe level. “Lifting” is a mechanism that allows us to take a type from one universe level and create a corresponding type at a higher universe level. For example, we can create a function that takes a type in Type 0 and returns a type in Type 1:

def liftType.{u} (α : Type u) : Type (u+1) := PLift α

Here, PLift is a type constructor that takes a type α in Type u and returns a type in Type (u+1). The u in Type u is a universe level parameter, which is used to specify the universe level of the type. The u+1 in Type (u+1) is the universe level of the returned type. The .{u} is a universe level parameter that specifies the universe level of the function, which can also be inferred by Lean:

def liftType1 (α : Type u) : Type (u+1) := PLift α

Here, we have omitted the universe level parameter u in the function definition (the .{u}), and Lean will infer the universe level from the type of the argument α.

This function can be used to create a type in Type 1 from a type in Type 0:

#check @liftType.{0} Nat  -- Nat : Type 1
#check @liftType1 Nat  -- Nat : Type 1

Universe Polymorphism

Universe polymorphism is a feature of type theory that allows us to write functions that can take types in any universe level, and return types in any universe level.

In Lean, universe polymorphism is used to specify the universe level of a type. Universe polymorphism allows us to write functions that can take types in any universe level. For example, the liftType function above is universe polymorphic, as it can take types in any universe level. The u in Type u is a universe level parameter, which is used to specify the universe level of the type.

Universe polymorphism is used to specify the universe level of a type. For example, the liftType function above is universe polymorphic, as it can take types in any universe level. The u in Type u is a universe level parameter, which is used to specify the universe level of the type.

Here are a few examples of universe polymorphism in Lean:

def idd.{u} (α : Type u) (a : α) : α := a
#check @idd.{0} Nat -- (α : Type) → α → α

def pair.{u, v} (α : Type u) (β : Type v) (a : α) (b : β) : α × β := (a, b)
#check @pair.{0, 0} -- (α β : Type) → α → β → α × β

inductive Listy (α : Type u) : Type u where
  | nil : Listy α
  | cons : α → Listy α → Listy α
def mylist : Listy Nat :=
  .cons 2 (.cons 2 .nil) -- Listy Nat

Definitions with multiple arguments can have multiple universe level parameters for maximum flexibility.

inductive SumInflexible (x : Type u) (y : Type u) : Type u where
  | inl : x → SumInflexible x y
  | inr : y → SumInflexible x y

def stringOrNat : SumInflexible String Nat :=
  SumInflexible.inl "hello" -- SumInflexible String Nat

This is an inflexible definition because the universe level of SumInflexible is fixed to the universe level of the arguments x and y. This means that SumInflexible can only be used with both types of x and y in the same universe level.

inductive SumFlexible (x : Type u) (y : Type v) : Type (max u v) where
  | inl : x → SumFlexible x y
  | inr : y → SumFlexible x y

def stringOrListString : SumFlexible String (List String) :=
  SumFlexible.inl "hello"

whereas SumFlexible is a flexible definition because the universe level of SumFlexible is the maximum of the universe levels of the arguments x and y. This means that SumFlexible can be used with types in different universe levels.

The Prop Type

In Lean, the Prop type is used to represent propositions, which are types that represent logical statements. The Prop type is a universe that contains the types of propositions. The Prop type is used to represent logical statements, such as true, false, , , etc. For propositions, it does not matter which evidence is used to prove them, only that they are true, unlike a program which requires a specific value to be returned, say 3 and not just any Nat.

The type of Prop is in Type 0:

#check Prop -- : Type

A few simple propositions in Lean:

def isTrue : Prop := true

theorem simple_prop : 1 = 1 := rfl -- 1 = 1
#check simple_prop -- 1 = 1 : Prop

def truthValues : List Prop := [true, false, 1 + 2 = 3, 2 + 2 = 5]

Prop and Type and Sort

In Lean’s internal implementation, there’s a more fundamental concept called Sort. The Sort is the “type of types”, and both Prop and Type are examples of Sort. To organize the different levels of universes for types, Lean uses the hierarchy Sort 0, Sort 1, Sort 2, and so on. Type u is essentially shorthand for Sort (u + 1).

Here’s where the special role of Prop comes in:

This means Prop is special because it sits at the bottom of the universe hierarchy. This design choice is related to the idea of impredicativity, which essentially means that when creating something in Prop (proving a proposition), we are allowed to quantify over all propositions, in other words we are allowed to use the proposition we are trying to prove in the proof itself. Impredicativity is very powerful but can cause logical inconsistencies if not handled carefully, as self-reference can lead to paradoxes. By keeping Prop separate at the bottom, Lean ensures consistency.

It is important to note that Prop and Type are distinct because Prop is impredicative, while Type is predicative. In a predicative system, a definition cannot refer to the totality of objects to which it belongs. In an impredicative system, a definition can refer to the totality of objects to which it belongs. In Lean, Prop is impredicative because it contains definitions that refer to the totality of propositions. For example, the definition of refers to the totality of propositions:

∀ (P : Prop), P   -- For all propositions P, P is true

This definition refers to the totality of propositions, including the proposition being defined. This is not allowed in a predicative system. In Lean, Type is predicative because it contains definitions that do not refer to the totality of types. For example, the definition of equality refers to the totality of natural numbers in a given universe:

∀ (a b : Nat), a = b  -- For all natural numbers a and b, a is (not) equal to b

This definition refers to the totality of natural numbers in a given universe, but not to the totality of all types. This is allowed in a predicative system.
