import Mathlib.Data.Vector
import Mathlib.Data.Fin.Basic
Recall that in type theory, every term has a type. We’ve seen basic types like Nat
, Bool
and String
, and ways to combine types using products and co-products. In this chapter, we’ll explore
function types, which represent functions between types, and the powerful generalization of function types
known as Pi (Π) types (or dependent function types).
A function type, written A → B
, represents functions that take an argument of type A
return a value of type B
. This is often read as “A to B”. The type A
is the domain, and the
type B
is the codomain.
Mathematically, a function f : A → B
is a relation between sets A
and B
that for every a ∈ A
, there is exactly one b ∈ B
such that (a, b)
is in the
relation. In type theory, functions are first-class: they can be arguments to other functions, returned as
results, and stored in data structures.
We can also define functions anonymously, without giving them a name, using lambda expressions. A lambda
expression starts with the keyword fun
(or the symbol λ
), followed by the argument list, and
then =>
and the function body.
#check fun (n : Nat) => n * 2 -- fun n => n * 2 : ℕ → ℕ
def double : Nat → Nat := fun n => n * 2
#eval double 7 -- 14
Lambda expressions are particularly useful when passing functions as arguments to other functions.
A type family is a family of types indexed by a value of another type. Given a type A
, a type family
indexed by A
assigns a type B a
to each value a : A
. Dependent
types allow the type of a term to depend on the value of another term.
A dependent function type or Π-type, written (a : A) → B a
(or ∀ (a : A), B a
), represents
functions where the type of the return value depends on the value of the input. B
is a type family indexed
by A
This can be read as “for all a
of type A
, a return type of B a
”. This is a
generalization of the simple function type A → B
. If B
doesn’t actually depend on
, then (a : A) → B a
is the same as A → B
-- A function that takes a length 'n' and returns a vector of zeros of that length.
def zeros (n : Nat) : Vector Nat n := Vector.replicate n 0
#check zeros -- zeros : (n : ℕ) → Vector ℕ n
The type of zeros
is a Pi type. The return type, Vector Nat n
, depends on the input value,
Another example: a function that gets the element at a specific index in a vector. The index must be less than the
length of the vector. Lean’s Fin n
type represents natural numbers less than n
-- Get the element at index 'i' in a vector of length 'n'.
def Vector.get (v : Vector α n) (i : Fin n) : α := v.1[i]
#check Vector.get -- {α : Type} → {n : ℕ} → Vector α n → Fin n → α
The type of Vector.get
is also a Pi Type. Note the use of the curly brackets {}
to indicate
implicit parameters.
Dependent function application looks just like regular function application:
#eval zeros 3 -- ⟨[0, 0, 0], by simp⟩
#eval (zeros 5).get ⟨2, by simp⟩ -- 0 (Accessing the element at index 2)
A simple function type A → B
is just a special case of a Pi type where the return type doesn’t
depend on the input value. So, Lean can infer the use of non-dependent functions even while using dependent types.
def const_fun {A B : Type} (b : B) : (a : A) → B :=
fun _ => b
#check @const_fun -- {A B : Type} → B → A → B
We saw Currying and Uncurrying already. This is a good time to revisit the concept and illustrate it with more
involved examples, potentially also introducing the curry
and uncurry
functions from
Define function composition mathematically and in Lean.
def compose {α β γ : Type} (g : β → γ) (f : α → β) : α → γ :=
fun x => g (f x)
#check @compose
Parametric polymorphism allows us to write functions (and define types) that operate uniformly over different types.
Instead of writing separate functions for Nat → Nat
, Bool → Bool
, and
String → String
, we can write a single, generic function that works for any
In Lean, parametric polymorphism is achieved using type parameters, indicated by curly braces {}
explicit type arguments. Let’s look at an identity function, a function that return the input parameter it receives:
def identity {α : Type} (x : α) : α := x
#check identity -- {α : Type} → α → α
#eval identity 5 -- 5
#eval identity "hello" -- "hello"
#eval identity true -- true
Here, {α : Type}
introduces a type parameter α
. The function identity
can then be used with arguments of any type. Lean automatically infers the type parameter in many cases, which
is why we don’t need to write identity Nat 5
Another example: a function that swaps the elements of a pair:
def swap {α β : Type} (pair : α × β) : β × α :=
(pair.snd, pair.fst)
#check swap -- {α β : Type} → α × β → β × α
#eval swap (1, "one") -- ("one", 1)
works for pairs of any two types (which can even be different).
Higher-order functions are functions that take other functions as arguments or return them as results. This is a
powerful concept that enables code reuse and abstraction. We’ve already seen some higher-order functions implicitly
(like compose
), but let’s make it explicit.
Example: A function that applies another function twice.
def applyTwice {α : Type} (f : α → α) (x : α) : α :=
f (f x)
#check applyTwice -- {α : Type} → (α → α) → α → α
def square (n : Nat) := n * n
#eval applyTwice square 3 -- 81 ( (3 * 3) * (3 * 3) )
takes a function f : α → α
as an argument and applies it twice to the input
Example: A function that takes a value and returns a function that always returns that value (a constant function).
def constantFunction {α β : Type} (b : β) : α → β :=
fun _ => b
#check constantFunction -- {α β : Type} → β → α → β
def alwaysFive : Nat → Nat := constantFunction 5
#eval alwaysFive 10 -- 5
#eval alwaysFive 100 -- 5
returns a function.
“Lifting” is a general term for taking a function that operates on one type and transforming it into a function that operates on a “wrapped” or “structured” version of that type. This is closely related to concepts like Functors and Applicatives, which we’ll explore later.
Let use the Option
type as an example. Option α
represents a value of type α
that might be present (some a
) or absent (none
). We can “lift” a function
f : α → β
to a function Option α → Option β
def optionMap {α β : Type} (f : α → β) : Option α → Option β
| some a => some (f a)
| none => none
#check optionMap -- {α β : Type} → (α → β) → Option α → Option β
def add1Opt : Option Nat → Option Nat := optionMap (fun n => n+1)
#eval add1Opt (some 5) -- some 6
#eval add1Opt none -- none
takes a function f
and applies it to the value inside the
(if it exists). This is a higher order function. There also happens to be a lift
<<<Introduce the axiom of extensionality. Explain that two functions are equal if they return equal results for all inputs. This is not provable in Lean’s core type theory, but it’s a commonly assumed axiom.>>>
-- This is an axiom, not a theorem!
axiom funext {α β : Type*} {f g : α → β} (h : ∀ x, f x = g x) : f = g