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Products & Co-products


Products and co-products are the most basic forms of type constructors in type theory. They are used to combine types in a way that preserves the information of the original types. Let us first start with a very informal definition of products and co-products.

Suppose we have a bunch of types A, B, C, D, etc. A product of these types is a type that contains all possible combinations of elements from A, B, C, D, etc. In the context of programming, this is similar to a tuple or a record:

case class Tuple2[A, B](a: A, b: B)
type Tuple2<A, B> = Pair<A, B>

In both the above examples, we define a new type or class (an enclosure) that contains two elements of types A and B. This is a product type and is a very obvious way to combine types widely used in programming.

A co-product, on the other hand, is a type that can be either of the types A, B, C, or D, etc. In programming, this is similar to a “sum” type or a union in Scala:

sealed trait Either[A, B]
case class Left[A, B](a: A) extends Either[A, B]
case class Right[A, B](b: B) extends Either[A, B]

or for example Either type in languages like Java:

interface Either<A, B> {
  A getLeft();
  B getRight();

In the above examples of coproducts, we define a new type or class (an enclosure) that can be either of the two types A or B. This is a co-product type and is a very useful way to often handle errors or exceptions in programming, another very popular example being the Option type which is specialized to either contain a result or an error.


In Type Theory, for two given types A and B, the product of A and B is a type A × B that represents all possible pairs of elements (a, b) where a : A and b : B.

A × B = \{ (a, b) \mid a : A, b : B \}

A product can be mapped to its components using two functions fst and snd that extract the first and second elements of the pair respectively.

fst : A × B → A
snd : A × B → B


The categorical definition of a product is that it is a type Prod that comes with two projection functions π₁ and π₂ that satisfy the following universal property:

Let A \x B be the product type of types A and B. Then for any other type X which also has functions f : X → A and g : X → B, there exists a unique function ⟨f, g⟩ : X → Prod such that π₁ ∘ ⟨f, g⟩ = f and π₂ ∘ ⟨f, g⟩ = g.

The following diagram illustrates the universal property of a product type:

skinparam defaultTextAlignment center
skinparam backgroundColor transparent

rectangle A
rectangle B
rectangle "A × B" as Prod
rectangle X

Prod -[#black]-> A : π₁
Prod -[#black]-> B : π₂
X -[#blue]-> Prod : ⟨f,g⟩
X -[#red]-> A : f
X -[#red]-> B : g

The way this is interpreted is that, consider A × B as a product type of A and B. Thus A × B is a type that contains pairs of elements (a, b) where a : A and b : B. However there can be more such types that also contains some form of pairs of (a:A, b:B) too! Hence we need to distinguish between the true product type and the other types that contain pairs of (a, b). To do this, we take advantage of the fact that the product type of A and B is unique.

Say we have a type X that contains pairs of (a, b) too. Then we can have two functions f : X → A and g : X → B that map the pairs of X to A and B respectively. Uniquness of A × B is guaranteed by the fact that for any other X, there exists a unique function ⟨f, g⟩ : X → A × B that maps X to A × B such that π₁ ∘ ⟨f, g⟩ = f and π₂ ∘ ⟨f, g⟩ = g. This is the universal property of a product type.

Products in Lean

In Lean, we can define a product type as:

inductive Prod (A B : Type) : Type
| mk : A → B → Prod

Here, Prod is a type constructor that takes two types A and B and returns a new type Prod A B. The type Prod A B is then defined as a type that contains all possible pairs of elements (a, b) where a : A and b : B.

We can also define projection functions fst and snd that extract the first and second elements from a product type:

def fst {A B : Type} : Prod A B → A
| ( a b) := a

def snd {A B : Type} : Prod A B → B
| ( a b) := b

Now, we can define a simple example of a product type:

def pair := 1 "hello"

Here, pair is a product of Nat and String. We can then extract the first and second elements from pair using the projection functions:

#eval fst pair -- 1
#eval snd pair -- "hello"

The above code will return 1 and "hello" respectively.


In Type Theory, for two given types A and B, the co-product (or sum) of A and B is a type A + B that represents all possible values that can be either from A or from B, along with the information about which type the value came from.

A + B = \{ inl(a) \mid a : A \} ∪ \{ inr(b) \mid b : B \}

A co-product comes with two injection functions inl and inr that inject values from either type into the co-product:

inl : A → A + B
inr : B → A + B


The categorical definition of a co-product is that it is a type Sum that comes with two injection functions i₁ and i₂ that satisfy the following universal property:

For any type X and functions f : A → X and g : B → X, there exists a unique function [f, g] : Sum → X such that [f, g] ∘ i₁ = f and [f, g] ∘ i₂ = g.

The following diagram illustrates the universal property of a co-product type:

skinparam defaultTextAlignment center
skinparam backgroundColor transparent

rectangle A
rectangle B
rectangle "A + B" as Sum
rectangle X

A -[#black]-> Sum : i₁
B -[#black]-> Sum : i₂
Sum -[#blue]-> X : [f,g]
A -[#red]-> X : f
B -[#red]-> X : g

This can be interpreted as follows: Consider A + B as a co-product type of A and B. Thus A + B is a type that contains either values from A or values from B. However, there might be other types that can also represent this choice! Hence we need to distinguish between the true co-product type and other types that represent this choice. If we have a type X that can represent this choice, then we can have two functions f : A → X and g : B → X that map values from A and B to X. The uniqueness of A + B as the true co-product is guaranteed by the existence of a unique function [f, g] : A + B → X that satisfies the universal property.

Co-products in Lean

In Lean, we can define a co-product type as:

inductive Sum (A B : Type) : Type
| inl : A → Sum
| inr : B → Sum

Here, Sum is a type constructor that takes two types A and B and returns a new type Sum A B. The type Sum A B is then defined as a type that can contain either a value of type A or a value of type B.

We can also define a case analysis function that handles both cases of a sum type:

def case_analysis {A B X : Type} (f : A → X) (g : B → X) : Sum A B → X
| (Sum.inl a) := f a
| (Sum.inr b) := g b

Now, we can define simple examples of co-product types:

def left := Sum.inl 42
def right := Sum.inr "world"

def toString {A B} [ToString A] [ToString B] : Sum A B → String :=
case_analysis (λ a, s!"left({toString a})") (λ b, s!"right({toString b})")

#eval toString left  -- "left(42)"
#eval toString right -- "right(world)"

Dependent Pair Types

Dependent pair types generalizes the concept of product types by allowing the type of one component to depend on the value of another component. Unlike simple product types where both types are fixed and independent, dependent pair types create a relationship where the second type is a function of the value of the first type.

Mathematically, dependent pair types are denoted as Σ-types (sigma types) and are defined as:

Σ(x : A) B(x) = \{ (a, b) \mid a : A, b : B(a) \}

Here, A is a type and B is a type family indexed by A. The dependent pair (a, b) consists of a value a : A and a value b : B(a) where B(a) is the type of the second component that depends on the value of a.

A relatable example for programmers is the type of sized arrays or vectors, where the length of the array is part of the type itself. In typescript for example, we can define a tuple that can only have 3 elements as:

type Vec3 = [number, number, number];

or using templates in C++:

template <typename T, int N>
struct array {
    T data[N];

Other functional programming languages like Haskell sized vectors can be defined as:

data Vector n a where
    Nil  :: Vector 0 a
    Cons :: a -> Vector n a -> Vector (n + 1) a

Though most mainstream languages do not support dependent types, languages like Idris, Agda, and Lean have built-in support for dependent types.

In Lean, we can define dependent pair types as:

inductive Sigma {A : Type} (B : A → Type) : Type
| mk : Π (a : A), B a → Sigma

Here, Sigma is a type constructor that takes a type A and a type family B : A → Type and returns a new type Sigma B. The type Sigma B is then defined as a type that contains all possible dependent pairs (a, b) where a : A and b : B a.

Function Types